Peace • Love • Respect • Responsibility • Tolerance • Honesty • Humility • Happiness • Cooperation • Simplicity • Freedom • Unity
Values representation artwork drawn by Aristana from Karuna Bali Media Production department, Ubud, Indonesia.
In addition to illustrating the meaning of values, the Reflection Points offer a values perspective, one of valuing the dignity and worth of each human being.
Age group: 3-7 years
- Respect is feeling good about myself.
- Respect is knowing I am unique and valuable.
- Respect is valuing myself.
- Respect is knowing I am loveable and capable.
- Respect is liking who I am.
- Respect is listening to others.
- Respect is knowing others are valuable too.
- Respect is treating others nicely.
Age group: 8-14 years
- The first respect is to respect myself - to know I am naturally valuable.
- Part of self-respect is knowing my own qualities.
- Respect is knowing I am unique and valuable.
- Respect is knowing I am lovable and capable.
- Respect is listening to others.
- Respect is knowing others are valuable, too.
- Part of respect for the self is taking care of the body.
- Respect for the self is the seed that gives growth to confidence.
- When we have respect for the self, it is easy to have respect for others.
- Those who give respect will receive respect.
- To know one's worth and to honor the worth of others is how one earns respect.
- Everyone in the world has the right to live with respect and dignity, including myself.
- Part of respect is knowing I make a difference.
Age group: Young Adults
- Every human being has innate worth.
- Part of self-respect is knowing my own qualities.
- Respect for oneself is the seed that gives growth to confidence.
- When we have respect for ourselves, it is easy to have respect for others.
- To know one's natural worth and to honour the worth of others is the true way to earn respect.
- Those who give respect will receive respect.
- The more respect is measured on the basis of something external, the greater the desire for recognition from others. The greater the desire, the more one falls victim and loses respect for oneself.
- When there is the power of humility in respecting ourselves, wisdom develops and we are fair and just to others.
- Everyone in the world has the right to live with respect and dignity, including me.